In todays fast-pace world we are all guilty of being on the run all of the time, or occupying our mind with things we need to do – deadlines, planning for a project, meeting with people, etc., that we forget to THINK… What a simply concept that we all forget about. comes through again with a great article on 11-ways to create more time to think by Paul B. Brown.
The one I am guilty of most is # 2, First Things First. I tend to wake up at 4:30am and go right to the computer to check my emails. The problem is if an email is bad news from a client I will have that in my head as a distraction for the rest of the day. From now on I am going to try and do a little thinking on a clear mind. When we check our emails first thing in the morning we occupy the space in our brains that we could potentially use for that next great idea!
Read the full article here:
Thanks for reading!
Bryan Marino, President
Marino Graphics + Design